Thursday, January 19, 2012

Photos of Interest

I continually find photos that I feel are exceptionally interesting and without seeking specific photos out I could have never seen them.  There are things that date us (remind us of our age in this lifetime) and things that take us back immediately to our past and how we got to where we are currently.  I thoroughly enjoy seeing things that allow me to reflect, perhaps anyone that stumbles upon my blog will feel the same in seeing some of the images I am going to share here.  Enjoy....(sorry but my comments are coming after the photos).

When I was a kid I always wondered how they made it appear as though these two guys were climbing a wall, of course they cannot climb walls.  Batman and Robin revealed!

One statement sums this photo up:  "I'm a clean cut American kid, clean cut American kid!"  Boy did things change for this guy.
The faces behind the characters.  I am not entirely sure which characters the two taller guys portrayed, however I would have to assume that one of the two had to be 'chewy'.  I had heard long ago that the guy that played yoda had passed away (surely its been long enough ago that its probably fact now) but I dont think that I ever saw the actual cast.

I dont think that there is enough that I could possibly say about Mr. Cash.  Legend is an understatement, an Icon is a fact, an inspiration I am sure he was to more than one musician and everyone should have more than a fair share of a portion of his tracks in their hits list.

He is the man!

Now this isn't really a picture, more like a cultural representation of the slightest change in appearance that can dictate a change or difference in judgement.  I never beleived that WWF was fake (as my father used to tell us all the time), but soon found out as I grew closer into adulthood.  I still thought that Mr. Hulkamania was another icon, but after the reality show and his sons incidents with underage consumption and conviction I think that this representation of him is more accurate than I even know.

Michael, this photo makes me think of a seed that is about to be planted in a garden or a pot of sorts.  With the right soil, light and water could produce so much.  For him I dont think it mattered what the soil light and water provided he would have sprouted no matter where he was planted and he did just that.  Superstar he is/was.

Sometimes reflection can be very fun.  Even though it requires us to look at who we are, where we came from and where we are at now, it still allows us to remember where we were when all these things happened and possibly share it with the little loved ones as they progress into their future.  I often wonder how I can share all that I have experienced in my life with my little one and make it interesting.  Hopefully we will be able to retain the ability to use the resources available now to do just that and nobody will take that away from us.  Afterall I think that with the ease of doing so it may allow for the ability to advance and 'culturize' our new youth moving forward into the future.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Helpless Asian Man Attacked by Seven Others Behind School

I just found this video on "what's hot on google+".  I surely hope that each and every one of these jerks gets everything that is coming to them.  I am not sure what possess individuals these days to think that they will get away with this type of behavior, but they surely should not.  This, in my opinion, is quite disturbing.  Here is the link to the video on -

I have already searched for this in google news but have found various results.  Some are saying that the video is banned, but most are thunder struck over the incident.  The thing that I find most troubling is how to alert some people on this find when I dont have an extremely large circle of contacts that I can forward this to to get the attention rolling.

One suggestion listed on google+ is to go to and like the video.  I do have a problem with 'LIKING' a video of this nature, because I do not like it.  Actions like this are the things that this country needs to focus on stopping.  If this type of behavior happens amongst teens, adolescents and even young adults, how can we expect that society (no matter the culture that it comes from) today has a chance of being anywhere near peaceful?  Violence is breeding across all borders foreign and domestic and it seems as though nothing is being done to prevent it.

I surely hope that anyone who may read this has the concern for this individual enough to pass this along to everyone that they may have contact information for.  Viral video gets dispersed for so many reasons I just wonder how much significance something has to possess to have enough weight to be distributed for the RIGHT reasons.

Boy I hope they all are punished to the fullest extent possible.  Help justice make an effect on the violence you may witness by viewing the video...

Physical Update

Its January and without making major mention of the crazy weather that we have had to begin the journey into 2012, I thought it would be a good idea to provide any interested folks with and update on my current physical status.  Obviously the previous post was added/created at the height of the summer when the most severe issue I have ever encounter was the biggest issue.

Aside from many things I will just spare anyone who reads this, I am walking, riding and doing some swimming again.  Unfortunately I cannot blame all my weight gain on the Ankle injury I sustained this past year, but it seems to be the one thing I hold most relevant in my mind.  So my new focus has been to try to get the gain reduced as best I can.  One tells me that I didn't get it all overnight but it seems as though I noticed it overnight and would love to rid my being of it the same.  However unfortunate it is, it realistically doesn't work that way.

So when the cold arrived I was introduced to a new discomfort.  Cold takes a different toll on an extremity that now bears metal that it hadn't in the past.  I can say that I have recovered to a certain extent at this point but that is not to state that I am pain free.  Every day seems to bring a different feeling that I may not have experienced in the months past.  There are cracks and pops and aches and pains of all sorts.  As I have concluded with injuries in the past years, no bones of any sort within my body have (nor will I presume) ever be the same as pre-injury.  Even though I would assume that any physician would do their best to put one back together as they were prior, I dont think that it is possible to get anyone back to 100%, or new some may state.  As much as I hate to admit it, I will never be the same.

The most recent dilemna is that my back pain has somehow managed to creep itself back into my life in what seems like an overnight incident.  Being that I would like to assume that I know better than that, I could chalk this up to about a week and a half of excersize and little rest.  Typically when our bodies have had a little too much they seem to have a unique way of telling us "That's Enough!"  I am now experiencing the recurrence of my bulging disc issues that I experienced about or around two years ago.  At 38 it seems so abnormal to have to walk around feeling like I am about the ripe old age of 65-70yrs young.  However this evening I made a stop at the local ER to see if there was anything that they could do to assist me in walking a little more straight.  A little muscle relaxer and pain reliever seem to be their suggestion, I only hope that with a few more doses that it starts to work the way they intended it to.  I will certainly be on the horn in the morning to try to get some added attention to this matter.

Back on thanksgiving day, my littlest brother and I had the awesome opportunity to be captured riding our mountain bikes at a local ORV area by a photographer with much talent.  This guy is working diligently to create a glimpse of his talent to be exposed in the near future for all to see.  I will share that at a more opportune time for all to peek, once it is finalized.  However I thought it would be cool to show a little about what was captured (and the fact that I was at least attempting to get back into the old game):

Just a minor setback currently but I should be back on track very soon and continue on with weight loss.  It was much easier some time ago when that was the only thing that I had to focus on.  Seasons change and so does everything else, including age.  I never realized long ago how difficult some things could be and could get at times.  Even with having to learn how to bit my tongue so frequently I have also had to learn how to tone so many different aspects of down in many different ways.

Hopefully in the near future I will continue to use this 'blog' for many different aspects of these days that we are moving through today.  Since I never really know just how much you can expose of your personal perspective on things I will be rather selective in what I share with many persons (being that its more than many, assuming that anyone would actually discover this and have the interest to spend some time here).  I must say that I am a little inspired by some of the endeavors of those around me to be a little more exposed or involved in something that I could try to share with others as we travel through all aspects of all things living.


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Broken Ankle - The Down Side

This week marks week number 7.  Finally I am out of the splint and into a Big Black Boot.  Last year I had one of these boots and it did wonders for the discomfort that I had with my ankle problem in my left foot.  This however is much different than that.  I am sure now that the severity of this injury is a bit larger than what I was allowing myself to believe.  For seven long weeks I was finding it very difficult to see the end of this road.  Now with another week almost under my belt it seems as though the fog is lifting.  The Boot:

They say that this week I am to put 10% weight on the foot.  I am not sure I know how to assess this percentage of my weight.  I mean I surely can figure it out in lbs (even though I may not really want to do that either) but at what point do I know when its 9% or when its 13%.  The funny thing about it is that I really dont know that answer nor do I know exactly where to get it from.  I wont elaborate on that either, but that is where I stand on it.  So after this week it supposedly goes to 50% for the following two weeks.

My assessment of what I am to do this week is a.) walk on my right foot with 10% body weight and b.) do what they tell me at the physical therapy office.  I am told that this ten percent is probably the equivalence of using my foot to balance myself when/while I stand.  This is a bit of a relief as my left leg sort of gets taxed after standing for too too long.  I am also using the foot just to roll through the bottom of the boot to get my entire leg back in the motion of walking.

Today was day 1 for physical therapy.  Prior to this I have been trying to stretch my toes and achilles as much as possible, however without knowing my limitations I was unable to know how much to push.  After today this is much more understood.  While its nice to know how much I can push it, I can also say that its not as easy as I thought it would be.

While I had many excersizes that will get my range of motion back, there was one that was interesting to me.  My therapist goes and gets a tupperware bowl of marbles and sets them on the bench.  After some of the previous rom excersizes he puts them on a towel and has me use my toes to pick them up and put them back into the container.  While this seems rather simple a task for someone who hasn't used their foot for anything for seven weeks, it easily tasks the muscles.  Here is an image:  (I think I will be purchasing some marbles soon)

All in all today was a good day.  It allowed for me to learn that regardless of how hard I want to push this to heal and heal faster I do have to wait on the limitations of my body and its ability to heal itself.  I also have come to the conclusion that I have to accept that with age my body is going to take a little more time.  I did also learn a good deal of things that I can begin to do on my own.  I will spare explaining them because I am sure that its just as easy to google them and get a better explanation.

All said after the excercises they apply heat as well as electronic stimulation.  Very warm with four electrodes in four locations around my ankle.  I know that its supposed to stim the muscles and help speed up the recovery process but sort of not exactly sure why.  I think its for 15 minutes and then thats all she wrote for the first session.  I imagine depending on the measurements for the range of motion come this monday, that will determine what the next steps are in the process.

Hopefully after the next three days of going through the ice and excercises I now can do on my own, progress will continue on into the upcoming weeks.  While it may be a long road ahead I do believe that with the appropriate amount of determination and will it may begin to take place a little more rapidly.

Hopefully the next will be of some sort of activity!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Broken Ankle - Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture

Round two of ankle/leg issues began for me on the evening of May 11, 2011 around 730-800pm.  I left work and came home and decided to cut the grass before going to get some excersize.  Grass cut after about 45 minutes and I thought "o.k. lets go!"  I changed into casual clothing and threw a leg over my Single Speed Road Bike.

I went to a local park and rode between 6 & 8 laps and decided to leave the park.  When I left the park I felt like I hadn't had enough (little did I know what I was in for).  I then all of a sudden felt like I didn't get enough in the park.  I rode out of the way towards home and ended up going through a parking lot and lost my front wheel and crashed.  

In the process of crashing my foot stayed attached to the pedal (with my lovely Egg Beater pedals) while my leg began to rotate around it.  When I finally stopped I found that my foot was pretty much dangling from the rest of my leg.  When I started to move my leg, the foot just stayed in place.  The next photo is of the first x-ray I decided to take a picture of.  Obviously this is a picture of my foot after surgery.

I ended up with what they call a 'Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture'.  Yes I was sort of like what is that.  Well I came to find out that its a combination of three broken (tri) bones in my ankle.  I already knew what had happened was no good.  I mean when your foot (or any other part of your body for that matter) is simply dangling from your leg, you know its pretty bad.  You can search the type of break and get a multitude of views and opinions if you like, but this image that I found sort of shows it in its best viewable way:

So they wanted to have me go into surgery the very next day, but I was opposed to having a certain doctor operate on my foot.  I asked that they find someone else to do the surgery, but it seemed as though everyone was away on this week that I did it and would not be back until the following Tuesday.  I opted to go with a doctor and get it scheduled for that Tuesday.  They did however decide that I was going to stay overnight.  

I should back up a bit.  I was not really in all that much pain at the time of wrecking, or perhaps that was the shock aspect of things?  I really dont know.  I stabilized my foot as soon as I knew that there was a major problem and began to call for help.  When I spoke with my parents they said you need ambulance!  So they called it in for me.  When all the helped arrived (parents first) I began to fall apart.  Perhaps a little bit was pain, but the majority was that I couldn't believe this happened to me and what had I just done for the summer time for my daughter?

The emt/paramedics were more than nice and helpful, but why there was three police cruisers present I will never know.  I denied any pain meds, almost in an attempt to punish myself I guess.  They loaded me in the vehicle and I still refused pain meds.  As soon as the vehicle moved and inch I was like "maybe you might give me something".  At that moment, and up until they removed the pins, every stinking little bump anywhere in a vehicle hurt more than I can describe.

So we got to the ER and luckily for me they brought in a mobile X-ray device and I didn't have to move.  Long and short of the ER visit they kept me to monitor the situation I guess.  The next day I met with the PA from the doctors office and agreed to go ahead with Surgery the following Tuesday the 17th.  I must say that during that night I slept not a single wink.  I think that they gave me some morphine, and then dalodid through the remainder of the night till early on the next morning.  That stuff was bad news for me.  I had nothing to eat, well my definition of something to eat....not crackers and ice cream.

Next day they let me go home and rest, no weight on my leg, keep it elevated and use ice.  They gave me pain meds and I took them.  We went for a second opinion because there was uncertainty about whether or not waiting almost a week was a good thing or a bad thing.  As it turns out sometimes they do not operate for two weeks if the swelling is too much.  So more pain meds and back home to wait it out (turns out waiting would be a very frequent thing for me to experience over the course of the six weeks).

So surgery on the 17th of May.  Like all OR's they are cold, you get to remember about 90 seconds of the experience and then its all lights out.  I woke in that groggy stage in the recovery room where it always seems like you are from mars and everyone else has been here on earth for an eternity.  Then off to my room for my next overnight stay.  After the anesthesia starts to wear off the pain begins to settle in.  Although I can honestly say that about 90% of the hospital staff was more than helpful in all realms.

They were to give me pain medication every hour on the hour and I think that for the first 48 hours I was up the whole time.  I dont know if its a good thing to state but you sort of start to rely on that medication to make the hurt go away.  Then when they try to ween you off you really start to bugger out for them to give it to you, because of how fast it comes back and hurts.  All said I understand why they have to do what they have to do.  I wasn't sure of how well I would tolerate being at home immobile after the first day so they allowed/kept me for a second day.

I had a couple days off of work and spent two weeks without my daughter, because of the mobility issues.  They also had me come in every two or three days to have the bandages changed on my foot.  I ended up with some necrotic tissue where they state that the bones almost penetrated my skin.  So this had to be watched carefully so that it did not get infected and cause gang-green.  Of course everyone can assume the final result after an infection of that nature.  Here are a couple of pictures from the first two weeks of visits for bandage changes:

Going in for these bandage changes wasn't bad on the outside looking in.  I had no idea the security I felt in having the splint on my foot.  It was almost like a security blanket and when they took it off I felt so vulnerable.  I thought my foot looked horrible, while the people that see this stuff on a regular basis thought that it looked very good?  As you can see to the laypersons eyes it looked nasty.

Having the pins outside the skin was probably the most painful irritating thing that I have experienced in a very long time.  Like I mentioned previously the bumps in the car and the normal movements on a daily basis were so painful because with every move they also moved.

So initially they say 6-8 weeks with the pins in, then possibly 6 more weeks of therapy.  Well at week five they have removed the pins and two more weeks on crutches.  He says by then he will have me walking?  What exactly that means is yet to be known.  Is that with a cane, with crutches or is it full on just walking?  I dont know but can mention that with my foot out of the splint I dont see how I could walk on this is the metal they took out:

I asked the question, "how bad is this going to hurt me?", and the response I got was "I wont feel a thing!"  At least he was able to get me to laugh.  It did hurt, and quite possibly because of the angle that the pins were exiting through my skin.  After they were out and he stopped pressing on the exit wound, the relief was immediate.  They wrapped the foot back up and put me back into the splint and immediately I could not believe the amount of relief that I had, amazing.  

My ride began to drive me home afterword and not a single bump in the road hurt me at all.  I still have some bruising (which puzzles me but if they are not concerned I feel that I probably shouldn't be either) and a little discomfort here and there, but for the most part I have been better since that day.  Here are a couple more pics from inbetween the first couple weeks and the removal of the pins:

These photos above were actually the day that they removed the pins.  At five weeks I am wondering if it was a little premature, but there was a little issue with one of the pin sites and I think that he just didn't want to risk them being in any longer.  He also put me back on a heavy antibiotic, at least it appears to be heavy.

At this point I haven't read alot about other people that have had this same injury and their experiences, but did begin to look into it this evening.  Thing is that there are so many different circumstances that this has happened to people in, that I dont think that making a conclusion to how my rehabilitation is going to go based on theirs is an accurate way to assess it.  If the bones are healed with no gaps between the breaks and the pins are out early, then perhaps I am a little ahead of the game.

When I asked the question, how likely is it that I will fully recover (during one of the bandage changes), it was stated to me that depending on how bad the damage was to the ligaments and tendons around the area will dictate how fast and fully you recover...  I understand what they were saying but if someone could tell me, that was in there, how bad it was that could help a little bit.

In any case, anyone who knows me knows that this time of the year is my time to thrive and being down like this is a pretty tough thing to tackle.  Winter is defiinitely a more appropriate time in which to have to be laid up, but of course that wouldn't be the time to do something like this.  As it appears I am just one of many people that go through things like this in their lifetime.  I have been through other injuries and made it out o.k.  I just have to keep the chin high and remember that it will pass!  The trouble is that its very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you are still on the front side of the injury.

Hopefully this will all pass and I will be back to what I know in no time!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


A year or so ago I ran across this video after meeting up with one of the very greatest friends I have ever had.  I couldn't believe the talent and the ability that this guy had or possessed.  Thing is that it sparked even more than just a launched (as I am certain) the desire for much more than witnessing a being that is capable of such feats.  It also spawned a desire for much more desirable music and the exposure of talent that I was formerly unexposed to.  Here is his first video:

If anyone wants to know - its "The Funeral" by "Band of Horses" - and they have much more to offer.

Here is the new video....I only found it a couple of weeks ago, but I think it was out before then:

There are two different bands in this one.  They are, "The Jezabels" and "Loch Lomond" - totally great music - hope you enjoy.

There I went and ranted about the music on these videos and gave no credit to the dude.  Danny Macaskill (sp) is what his name is shown as on YouTube and he is unbelievable.  I grew up in the era of "Hans - No Way - Rey" and this guy (sorry to dis Hans) is way beyond what I knew of what Hans was capable of.  I guess that goes with the times.

Hopefully all will enjoy this whom have not had the opportunity to enjoy something of this nature.